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Triple Scale
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Weight: 0.06 kg

Hydrometers are devices that are used to measure the specific gravity, potential alcohol and Brix value before fermentation, during and after.

The lower the hydrometer sinks in the solution, the closer the distillate or wash is to having no fermentable sugars left in the solution.

Before fermentation the reading might be 1.090 and after fermentation the reading is .995.

The scaled chart also shows the potential alcohol in the distillate or wash. This is only a rough guide and is determined ultimately by the starting and finishing readings.

The Brix scale is the percentage sugar by weight. i.e.: 24 on the scale means your wash contains 24% sugar by weight.

Directions for Use:

  • Remove the Hydrometer from the protective green tube.
  • Insert the Hydrometer into the test jar containing the distillate or wash.
  • Take a reading before fermentation begins.
  • Remove the Hydrometer from the test jar, rinse with clean water and place it back in the protective tube.
  • Once the fermentation is finished, a reading can be taken again.
  • Rinse the Hydrometer with clean water and place it back in the protective tube.


As a general rule, a reading should always be taken before fermentation begins as this will help to confirm when the fermentation is completed.

When the Hydrometer measures around 0.990 then fermentation is complete.

This may vary on some recipes, however if the measurement is slightly above 0.990 for two or more days, then it is safe to assume fermentation is complete.

NEVER rely on an air bubbler to make the determination that the fermentation is complete.

Always handle with care, as the Hydrometers are very fragile and can easily break.

Graphics are for illustration purposes only - product may vary.

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