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12” / 30cm – Stainless Steel
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Weight: 0.06 kg

The Kettle Tube is a rugged tube of Stainless Steel Screen, 12" in length, 1" in diameter, with a ½" MPT fitting at one end. This screen will fit into the back of the Weldless Ball Valves.

The Kettle Tube Screen will ensure better filtering of the trub and whole hops from the wort while transferring takes place from the kettle to the fermenter.

The Kettle Tube Screen is excellent for straining out leaf hops in the boil kettle. The Screen can also be used in a Cooler Mash Tun.

Additional Information:

Fresh hops are very aromatic and are beautiful to look at but once they are boiled, they turn into a pile of muck in the wort. Home-brewers need to remove the hops prior to fermentation. Clarifying the brew by removing large sediments can cause less problems occurring in the fermenter or with the yeasts. During the fermentation process, the presence of hops may clog and plaster on the side of the container which makes cleaning the vessels a lengthy process. Moreover, the presence of hops may clog the small pipes especially if home-brewers use external chillers.

There are many methods used by home-brewers to filter hops and one of the most common method is the use of a mesh strainer. A mesh strainer provides a simple solution in filtering hops but the problem is that it can be very inconvenient to hold the strainer in place while transferring a large volume of wort to another container.

Another method is the use of a Kettle Tube / Bazooka Screen. A Bazooka Screen is not only used in filtering hops from the wort but it is also commonly used in mash tuns which is a process that releases the sugar from the grains for better fermentation. It is made from 12 inch ½" MPT Stainless Steel including the mesh screen.


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