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Suitable for Wine, Must and Mash
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Product Details
Weight: 0.10 kg

A Vinometer can be used for exact measurement of the Alcohol content in Wine, Homemade Must and Mash.

Additional Information:

A Vinometer can only produce accurate results in Wine containing little or no residual sugar. The Vinometer works on the principle of capillary action, measuring the viscosity which is dependent on the water/alcohol ratio.

With clear fonts and graduated bands, the Vintner can easily identify the Alcohol readings on the Vinometer.


Measuring Range of Alcohol: 0 -25%

Degree Accuracy: 1°

Thermometer Measuring Range: 20°C

Instructions for Use:

Fill the Vinometer with Dry Wine.

Wait until some drops have fallen through and drip out at the bottom of the Vinometer. If this does not happen on its own, place your mouth on the funnel-side of the Vinometer and blow gently to start the flow.

Place your finger on the point where the drops form and turn it the Vinometer upside down.

Place the Vinometer on a straight surface, use a plate to avoid messing.

Release your finger.

The level in the capillary will drop to a certain level indicating the alcohol content of the sample.

Take 3 measurement in total and calculate the average measurement.

Always remember to clean and sanitize the Vinometer before storage.

Specific Readings:

If a more specific reading is required, combine 5ml of Wine and 5ml of water.

Proceed as above.

The final reading will then need to be multiplied by 2 to give the Alcohol %.

For example: If the Vinometer shows 5% then the Wine should have an Alcohol % of 10%.


When taking measurements, there must be NO air bubbles in the tube.

Clean and sanitize the Vinometer before and after use.

Handle with care - the Vinometer is extremely fragile and can easily break.

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